Sunday, April 26, 2020

The Book Thief By Markus Zusak Essay Example For Students

The Book Thief By Markus Zusak Essay Vivian MashehMs. MurphyENG 2D125 May 2016Our time hereâ€Å"The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.† – Mark Twain. You only live once, and life is disastrously short. It s anything but difficult to take a gander at individuals who are cheerful and accept they don t comprehend your torment. The more established you get, the more you understand that joy takes work. Individuals who grin out in the open have been through just as much as individuals who cry, glare, shout, and so forth. They simply have the fearlessness and quality to grin through it. The loss and survival of many Germans and Jews during world war two affects people tremendously. These tragedies are part of Markus Zusak s book, â€Å"the book thief†. We will write a custom essay on The Book Thief By Markus Zusak specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now In â€Å"the book thief† Zusak writes about Liesel Meminger a young German girl growing up during world war two she lives with her foster parents, who risk their lives to save a Jewish boy from the Nazis. The message that is portrayed in this novel is that when you are deprived of life, sometimes you have to steal it back. Zusak in particular displays this for when the character’s experience tragic losses and soon are able to find the light in every dark situation. This message is acknowledged by the courageous character Liesel when she is able to survive the loss of her loved ones by learning literature, as well as Max a Jewish boy who survives world war two. By being able to push through tough times they are able to grow loving relationships and learn new things. First off, Liesel Meminger, first introduced in the book by death as â€Å"the book thief†. Suffered the loss of her brother werner, while attending his funeral â€Å"there was something black and rectangular . .s dad to Hans. He exists, similar to the accordion, an indication of a man who once gave his life for Hans. Hans puts his life at danger for Max. this demonstrates the love in their relationship. In addition, this confirms that relationships can shape a person and help them to learn new things. In conclusion, readers are taught that by having the capacity to push through extreme times they can develop strong connections and learn new things. When Liesel is faced with tough moments in her life she chooses to cherish and remember the good that came with the people she came across, and find a passion. As Well as Max who was able to build new friendships and become a strong, brave, and courageous individual. The bigger message in this conquest is that, â€Å"you, and your human existence are worth it† (15), and you yourself are the one who will just have to find out why. The Book Thief By Markus Zusak Essay Example For Students The Book Thief By Markus Zusak Essay The Book Thief, written by Markus Zusak, goes deeper than a girl’s story of struggle. In it there are intricate complexities, important themes, and significant symbols that add a different side to the story and go beyond traditional storytelling. Some symbols in The Book Thief include dominoes, Liesel’s stolen books, and Liesel walking into a parade of Jews. Throughout Liesel’s story, repeated themes also emerge. Two of the main themes in The Book Thief are Death and the Power of words. These themes and symbols intertwine into the story in a way that makes the novel more interesting and meaningful. The reader can follow along Liesel s tragic tale while also stumbling into the powerful themes, motifs, and symbols.To those who have not read The Book Thief, the cover has no meaning. However, for those who have read the novel, the dominoes become a powerful symbol of how seemingly small decisions can have devastating effects. Much like dominoes fall one after another, one event can set off a chain of other events, which can lead to disaster. The dominoes on the cover quite literally represent this â€Å"domino effect. We will write a custom essay on The Book Thief By Markus Zusak specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now † One poignant example of the domino effect first began when Rudy tried to prove himself to his peers, especially Franz Deutscher. Rudy proved himself all right, but he also proved himself to people he didn’t care for Nazi recruiters. When the Nazi’s came knocking on Rudy’s door to recruit him, his parents refused to send him to their special school. This decision, and Rudy’s decision to not intervene, subsequently allowed Rudy to die on Himmel Street and Alex Steiner to be sent to war. Alex Steiner later says, â€Å"Crucified Christ. If only I’d let Rudy go to that school (547). † In this situation there was a web of things t. ., the death of Robert Holtzapfel proved to be too much for his brother Michael, and he committed suicide. This death then causes the death of their mother, Frau Holtzapfel, when her sadness over the loss of her only children consumes her. â€Å"He placed his hand on hers, as she fell back to the hard ground. He allowed her screams to fill the street (503). † Towards the end of the novel the readers get a glimpse of how Death feels about this kind of pain and suffering, which millions of others also experienced during the time period of The Book Thief. Death, who would normally be believed to be insensitive and inhumane conversely becomes weary of his duty and is horrified by war.The Book Thief’s Motifs and symbols almost tell a second story. In addition to the telling of Liesel’s struggles, there is a second layer of deeper meanings which make The Book Thief even better.